Past Meetings

Joint SRR and BRSM Meeting – Online – 10th and 11th November 2020

Jointly hosted by the Society for Research in Rehabilitation, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine, Association of Chartered Physiotherapists for People with Learning Disabilities, and supported by the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation.  The theme was:

Rehabilitation research, practice and education the era of COVID-19’

Before COVID-19, rehabilitation services were already under strain. In 2020, new COVID-19 related rehabilitation needs have emerged – not only from those who survived COVID-19, but also among those whose health has been impacted by isolation and other COVID-19-related factors. Taken together, more people need high quality, evidence-based rehabilitation for their long term, complex needs than ever before.

The Philip Nicholls Lecture  was delivered by Philip Rowe, Professor of Rehabilitation Science – Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde,  and entitled Supported Self Management of Rehabilitation – An Opportunity Post Covid’

As this event was recorded it is still possible to gain access to the content via our co-hosts website here

Joint SRR and BRSM Meeting – Warwick University – 14th and 15th October 2019

The content across the sessions on both days was around the following themes:

Complex rehabilitation problems and The Elderly and Rehabilitation.

Sleep, Spasticity and Ethics were covered in the first session and Amputee Rehabilitation, Hip Replacement and Neurological Injury in the second.

Further sessions included Cardiac Rehabilitation and Goal Setting in Rehabilitation in addition to a number of free paper sessions.

The Bipin Bhakta memorial lecture was delivered by Professor Derrick Wade and entitled Rehabilitation will only survive in the UK if politicians, the public, and other healthcare professionals know what it is. How should we fight for its survival?

The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Meeting – Nottingham University – 5th February 2019

The Society’s Winter Meeting was hosted by Professor Marion Walker MBE at the Trent Vineyard  and the Philip Nichols Lecture was delivered Dr Tom Manly – University of Cambridge (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit) and entitled MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit Function and Mood in Brain Injury Rehabilitation’

The day was further enhanced by the extremely high quality of oral and poster presentations and the outstanding invited lectures by:

The role of digital peer support in the self-management of long-term conditions’ – Professor Neil Coulson- Professor of Health Psychology, University of Nottingham

 ‘Appy days: Can impairment-based therapy apps improve outcomes in patients with acquired disorders of vision or language?’– Professor Alex Leff – Professor of Cognitive Neurology, UCL Institute of Neurology

Co-production in rehabilitation research: real deal or bad imitation?’Professor Fiona Jones MBE – Professor of Rehabilitation Research, St George’s , University of London

The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Meeting University of the West of England – 6th February 2018 

The Society’s Winter Meeting commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the SRR was hosted by Dr Praveen Kumar at the Bristol Watershed.

The meeting consisted of 2 symposiums, the Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture, 8 oral presentations and a wide range of rehabilitation research posters.

Symposium 1:  Musculoskeletal Strand

‘Developing effective, deliverable and affordable self-management strategies for osteoarthritis in primary care’ – Nicola Walsh, Professor of Knowledge Mobilisation & Musculoskeletal Health, University of the West of England 

‘Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome to help inform chronic pain rehabilitation’ Candy McCabe, Florence Nightingale Foundation Chair in Clinical Nursing Practice Research & Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bath, University of the West of England

Symposium 2:  Neurological Rehabilitation Strand

‘Memory Rehabilitation: Establishing an evidence base’ – Professor Roshan das Nair, Professor of Clinical Psychology & Neuro- psychology, University of Nottingham

‘What factors affect the quality of life of people with MS?’ – Professor Carolyn Young, Consultant Neurologist, The Walton Ct, Liverpool

The Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture was delivered by Emeritus Professor Garth Johnson, Newcastle University.  The focus of his presentation was on the application of biomechanical modelling and measurement to the understanding of upper limb function and the development of clinical measurement techniques.

14th Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR)/SRR/BSRM) – Glasgow – 24-27 May 2017

This meeting provided everyone involved in rehabilitation research, practice, education, technology and policy making with an excellent opportunity to share cutting-edge research and best practice.

The theme of this conference wss “Working in partnership across boundaries”, which reflected the EFRR’s endeavour to improve the lives of people with disabilities and their families through the advancement of research and education in all biopsychosocial aspects of rehabilitation.

The next EFRR conference is schedule for September 23 – 25, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Find out more from here

The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Summer Meeting  – Coventry University – 5th July 2016 

The Society’s Summer Meeting was hosted by Dr. Rosie Kneafsey and the theme of the meeting was “Care and Compassion in Rehabilitation Research”
In addition to the two symposiums and the Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture there were 8 high quality oral presentations, 7 posters and 16 Work-in-Progress posters, covering a diverse range of topics in rehabilitation research.

Symposium 1: Care & Compassion

‘Compassion in Practice: it’s all about the way we relate to one another’  – Professor Belinda Dewar, Professor of Practise Improvement, University of the West of Scotland

‘Using remote technology to deliver brief psychological interventions in mental health’  – Professor Karina Lovell, Director of Research & Professor of Mental Health, University of Manchester

Symposium 2 : Process evaluations of complex interventions

Dr David J Clarke—Lecturer in Stroke Care, University of Leeds

The Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture was given byProfessor Pamela M. Enderby, Professor of Community Rehabilitation, University of Sheffield and entitled:

Strictly Come Dancing, the Tango of Rehabilitation Research

The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Meeting  – Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability, London – 2nd February 2016 

The Society’s Winter Meeting was hosted by the hospitals’ Research Fellow in Music Therapy, Dr Julian O’Kelly.

The two symposia themes of the conference were ‘New Research Perspectives from Rehabilitation in Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness’, and ‘New Perspectives in Paediatric Rehabilitation’.

The first symposium was opened by Professor David Sharp, a NIHR Health Research Professor and consultant neurologist based at Imperial College London. He gave a thought provoking perspective on novel approaches to treating cognitive impairment after brain injury, exploring the factors underpinning these impairments.  He was followed by Dr Sal Connolly, consultant neuropsychologist at Ascot Rehabilitation with a comprehensive overview of the complexity in research that involves assessing for capacity with prolonged disorders of consciousness.

The second symposium was opened by Dr Carolyn Dunford, Head of Therapy & Research at The Children’s Trust, who gave an interesting presentation on the challenges involved in measuring outcomes in paediatric rehabilitation. She was followed by Dr Anne Gordon, Senior Consultant Occupational Therapist at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, and visiting Senior Lecturer, Kings College London. Her talk provided a summary of current NIHR Programme Development Research on Stroke in Childhood. The symposium was closed by Dr Rob Forsyth, NHS Consultant Paediatric Neurologist at the Great North Children’s Hospital, who provided a perspective on the NIHR programme development research in rehabilitation services for children after acquired brain injury (ABI).