The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Winter Meeting University of the West of England – 6th February 2018 

The Society’s Winter Meeting commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the SRR was hosted by Dr Praveen Kumar at the Bristol Watershed.

The meeting consisted of 2 symposiums, the Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture, 8 oral presentations and a wide range of rehabilitation research posters.

Symposium 1:  Musculoskeletal Strand

‘Developing effective, deliverable and affordable self-management strategies for osteoarthritis in primary care’ – Nicola Walsh, Professor of Knowledge Mobilisation & Musculoskeletal Health, University of the West of England 

‘Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome to help inform chronic pain rehabilitation’ Candy McCabe, Florence Nightingale Foundation Chair in Clinical Nursing Practice Research & Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bath, University of the West of England

Symposium 2:  Neurological Rehabilitation Strand

‘Memory Rehabilitation: Establishing an evidence base’ – Professor Roshan das Nair, Professor of Clinical Psychology & Neuro- psychology, University of Nottingham

‘What factors affect the quality of life of people with MS?’ – Professor Carolyn Young, Consultant Neurologist, The Walton Ct, Liverpool

The Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture was delivered by Emeritus Professor Garth Johnson, Newcastle University.  The focus of his presentation was on the application of biomechanical modelling and measurement to the understanding of upper limb function and the development of clinical measurement techniques.
