The Society for Research in Rehabilitation Summer Meeting  – Coventry University – 5th July 2016

The Society’s Summer Meeting was hosted by Dr. Rosie Kneafsey and the theme of the meeting was “Care and Compassion in Rehabilitation Research”

In addition to the two symposiums and the Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture there were 8 high quality oral presentations, 7 posters and 16 Work-in-Progress posters, covering a diverse range of topics in rehabilitation research.

Symposium 1: Care & Compassion

‘Compassion in Practice: it’s all about the way we relate to one another’  – Professor Belinda Dewar, Professor of Practise Improvement, University of the West of Scotland

‘Using remote technology to deliver brief psychological interventions in mental health’  – Professor Karina Lovell, Director of Research & Professor of Mental Health, University of Manchester

Symposium 2 : Process evaluations of complex interventions

Dr David J Clarke—Lecturer in Stroke Care, University of Leeds

The Bipin Bhakta Memorial Lecture was given byProfessor Pamela M. Enderby, Professor of Community Rehabilitation, University of Sheffield and entitled:

Strictly Come Dancing, the Tango of Rehabilitation Research
